

We invite you to join hands with us in this life-changing cause.

Picture a world where the joy of motherhood turns into an echoing silence of loss, where family dreams are replaced with an empty cradle. Unfortunately, this is the reality for the hundreds of women we meet every day across 27 states and 2 countries. At Twelve 12 Ministries we step into these stories of pain, offering a hand to hold, a shoulder to cry on, and a path towards healing. Our approach is rooted in the values of empathy support, and restoration, aligning closely with principles such as life advocacy, adoption, fostering, and promoting womenā€™s mental health.


Explore our giving and sponsorship opportunities to help transform lives as we work together to bring hope, healing, and purpose to women and families impacted by infertility and loss.Ā 


Faith Partner:


  • Website Presence: Name listed on our sponsor page.

  • Social Media Highlights: Group thank-you post on Instagram and Facebook.

  • Conference Tickets: One ticket to both Refined Events (Spring and Fall).

Strength Partner:


  • Refined Event: Exhibit table at one Refined Event, where you can include your promotional materials and connect with our attendees.

  • Website Presence: Logo on our sponsor page, linked directly to your website.

  • Social Media Highlights: One mention on Instagram and Facebook.

  • Conference Tickets: Two tickets to both Refined Events (Spring and Fall).

Hope Partner:


  • Podcast Exposure: One 30-second commercial on our Purpose Beyond Motherhood podcast (reaching 10,000+ unique listeners).

  • Refined Event: Exhibit table at two Refined Events, where you can include your promotional materials and connect with our attendees.

  • Website Presence: Logo on our sponsor page, linked directly to your website.

  • Social Media Highlights: One exclusive mention on Instagram and Facebook.

  • Conference Tickets: Four tickets to both Refined Events (Spring and Fall).
infertility and pregnancy loss community

To give via check make payable to Twelve 12 MinistriesĀ and enclose contact information. Mailing address: 2001 West Plano Parkway, Suite 1900 Plano, TX 75075

R12 Ministries, Inc - DBA Twelve 12 Ministries is a 501(c)3 non-profit, EIN: 82-2349588