Ep 105 Enduring Faith: Vanessa’s Story of Hope Amidst Twin Pregnancy Loss

Today, we invite you to meet Vanessa Grant. Vanessa is a wife and mother of two. For the first time publicly, she shares her story with us of faith and hope amidst the pain of loss.
At Vanessa’s 10 week appointment in her second pregnancy, the ultrasound revealed that she was carrying twins. As the doctor assessed the ultrasound, Vanessa could sense that something was off. Her doctor informed her that she was carrying monoamniotic twins, meaning they were identical, and sharing the same amniotic sac & placenta.
Monoamniotic Twins, or MoMo Twins, are extremely rare, making up less than 1% of all births in the United States. This meant that Vanessa and her babies would need to be monitored closely. It became difficult to find a doctor that was comfortable treating her due to the rarity of this condition.
This was only the beginning of what would be a long and rocky road. Over the next 8 weeks, Vanessa and her husband would face challenging decisions that no parents should ever face. At 18 weeks, she received the devastating news that she had lost both of her babies and would have to deliver them.
Throughout her journey, Vanessa remained steadfast in her faith and leaned on God for strength. She shares with us today how she found hope in the most difficult time of her life. Vanessa’s story is powerful and inspiring, and we are honored to share it with you today.
Episode Highlights:
- Meet Vanessa.
- The ultrasound that changed everything.
- Seeing a fetal specialist.
- Seeking treatment.
- Facing difficult decisions.
- The last ultrasound.
- Delivering at 18 weeks.
- Finding hope after loss.
- Things that were helpful during the dark times.
Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on Purpose Beyond Motherhood and :
- Twelve 12 Ministries Website
- IG Handle: @twelve12ministries
- Facebook: @twelve12ministries
- Email: [email protected]
- Visit the Twelve 12 Ministries Shop
This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.