Different But Not Denied: Trust The Process

By Lillie Washington
11 years of marriage and our day still hadn’t come. The emotions I had went from hope and excitement to doubt and unbelief. I often blamed myself. What had I done that had stopped us from having a family!
Around year 8, one day I was reminded of how much I always wanted to adopt as a kid. I remember this little book we made and would pass around and you had to answer questions like, what kind of car you would drive, what house you would have, married or not, and how many kids. Does anyone else do such a book?
Now after countless doctor visits and almost a year of clomiad and no result, I begin to discuss with my husband other options such as adopting. My husband was not with adopting At All. He wanted his family and believed it would happen.
In frustration I continue to pray and have mustard seed faith, meaning very little.
11 years and our prayers were finally being answered differently but not denied. My sister had a friend that was giving birth to a baby and she was going to leave the baby at the hospital for adoption. My sister then suggested to her friend that maybe we would be interested in adopting. With little time to make a decision, still not wanting to, my husband decided we would do it. So we prepared for the arrival of our blessing. On February 16, 2011, we welcomed Hannah Nycloe. My husband was in love!!
God is so amazing, she looked and still looks just like him and his family. I’m sure you have heard the saying, If you feed them they will begin to look like you but I’m talking before we fed her she looked like my husband. I was trying very hard to conceive but God had other plans.
Isaiah 55:8-9 tells us, that his thoughts and his ways are not our ways, but higher. It’s important to trust the process. From a kid, God had a plan bigger than my own. He had a little girl that would need parents and we were the vessel he entrusted. You see he also knew that my husband would not be on board with adoption. He found a unique way to fulfill his plan for and through us.
Hannah now 8 has been a blessing to our lives and I sometimes forget I didn’t birth her.
I’m not sure what you may be going through in your life currently but I will say, Trust The Process! There is a purpose in the process. It may seem as if your prayers are not being answered. Could it be that they are just being answered differently but not denied? Trust The Process!! It’s so much greater than you.